
I speak about strategy, entrepreneurship, technology, design & application development at universities, meet-ups, and conferences around the country.

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Here are some slides from a 3 hour strategy lecture I gave in July of 2018 at Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, CA:


Here are some of the places I’ve spoken over the past few years:

The Vault (San Francisco)
→ Secrets to Scaling, “Design-Driven Growth” (2018)

Saint Mary’s College
→ MGT 351: Strategic Entrepreneurship (2018)
→ BUSAD 140: Strategic Management (2018)
→ BUSAD 110: Entrepreneurship (2017)

Stanford University & Stanford Graduate School of Business
→ “How to Find a CTO” (2012)
→ “Networking Strategies” (2012)
→ iPhone & iPad App Programming (CS 193P, Paul Heggarty)
→ Sophomore Encounters

Silicon Valley Code Camp
→ “7 Days to Build an iPhone App” (2015)
→ “What is Strategy” (2018)

The University of Texas, at Austin
→ UGS303: Creative Problem Solving

Silicon Valley Boomer Venture Summit

Campus Technology Forum (now UBTech)
→ Long Beach, CA
→ Boston, MA

AlwaysOn Silicon Valley Innovation Summit
→ “Incubating the Stanford Incubator” (2010)

→ MC (2011-2014)


You Were a Huge Hit

“I can’t tell you grateful we are for your time in being our first speaker for “Sophomore Encounters”. You were a huge hit and I really appreciated your attitude and generosity.”

Tags:Lecture, Stanford University, Strategy

Your Presentation Was The Best

“Thank you. Your presentation was the best of Campus Tech for me. There is roiling and surging demand for a mobile presence at RISD now; however the challenge is always to herd enough of the cats together to determine just what it is that is wanted and needed.”

Tags:Conference, Strategy, Technology

Unique and Innovative

“That was one of the best sessions at a conference that I have ever attended. Not only did you have a unique and innovative way of addressing mobile technology, your Be/Do/Have model has inspired me to think about new and different ways to approach projects. You also presented a framework “The Business Model Canvas” in a way that I have never seen done before. Thanks again for your great and inspiring presentation!”

Tags:Conference, Entrepreneurship, Technology

What a Relief!

“It was great meeting you, I was just telling a co-worker how great your session was and what a relief it was to actually go to a conference where I actually received some good information. Thanks for putting together all the resources below, I really appreciate it. You gave a great presentation that was lively and engaging. Hope you can share some more great information down the road.”

Tags:Conference, Entrepreneurship, Technology

The Standout of the Conference

“Andrew Bellay’s presentation was exactly what I needed to hear in our university’s exploration of mobility and mobile learning. He was inspiring, yet provided down to earth material every university looking at utilizing mobility needs to know. His presentation was the standout of the conference.”

Tags:Conference, Development, Technology

Very Impressive

“I attended your presentation at the Campus Technology conference. Very impressive.”

Agile Coach
Tags:Conference, Technology

Highlight of the Conference

“Nice presentation by the way. Highlight of the conference for me.”

Great Seeing an Example

“It was great seeing an example of actually applying this theory and hearing of the incredible benefits that can follow. Knowing Andrew once sat where I do now is a powerful feeling and I would love to gather as much advice from him as I could. I am very interested in how he confronted this uncertainty and ultimately overcame any fear. I would be very grateful for the opportunity to speak with him further.”

Relationship Manager, Wells Fargo
Tags:Lecture, UT Austin

Be Flattered

“Again, thanks for everything. I’ve transferred a lot of the notes I took on your lecture into my own personal field notes. Be flattered, not a lot of lecturer’s receive such a distinct (and usually unheralded) honor.”

Product Manager, Engineer
Tags:Entrepreneurship, Lecture, Strategy, UT Austin

Thank You So Much

“Your insights…will certainly be helpful to us as an institution moving forward. I hope to attend future conferences and most certainly look forward to participating in the conversation. Thank you so much for the hard work you’ve done in preparation for these events.”


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